Scie chimiche: i veri motivi - Fermiamoli

- Chemtrails - Part 2 - The Real Purposes
"Which are the purposes of chemtrails?".
"Why are they sprayed?".
These are the legitimate questions that many people have. Let's try to give some answers.
First of all, chemtrails contain substances that are able to modify meteorological phenomena: barium salts and silicon gel, for instance, absorb atmospheric humidity, reducing drastically the rainfalls.
Moreover, these trails - which form a layer that filters the sunbeams - damage traditional cultivations, which need both light and water. In this way OGM seeds become necessary.
[ Three aeroplanes in formation. The first one doesn't release any trail! ] It's no accident that, since a lot of years, many food processing multinationals are putting pressure on the European Union so that the OGM can be accepted.
Then, various chemical elements are sprayed in order to optimize the reception and trasmission of radar signals and to help for a better propagation of radio waves for military purposes.
Still in a military area, the manipulation of ionosphere and the spraying of chemical substances enable the blinding of the enemy radars and satellites.
Fungi's spores, viruses and bacteria are sprayed in the air with these flights for carrying out dangerous tests on the population.
It is, therefore, evident that the "chemtrails' operation" is to be placed among the objectives of the military-industrial complex, set to increase dramatically the control of global economy. So "chemtrails" are a weapon for weather control and for subjugating those countries that don't want to submit to the New World Order.
The operation is based on a series of patents [N.d.R. - from Tesla's to Cordani's] later acquired by NASA and by the American, Russian and Chinese military forces, patents that have been turned into military and geoengeneering technologies.
As we can see, the interests inside this matter are manifold: this is the reason why both the institutions and all the mainstream media deny the existence of the problem itself, tracing these poisoning activities of the planet back to normal civilian flights and to the very rare "contrails' phenomenon".
We know, instead, that they are lying for hiding a truth that cannot be confessed.
It's our duty to stop them, before it's too late.

- A documentary by -
- Text: Antonio Marcianò -
- Voice, direction and editing: Rosario Marcianò (aka Straker) -

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